Finally Feeling Like Fall: 101 in 1,001 Update

Man, I can’t believe it’s October already. The weather here in Kentucky has been pretty chilly lately. Though it’s warming up during the days again this week, the nights have been pretty cool. A few of my plants didn’t survive the temperature drop a few nights ago, but outside of that, I’m really looking forward to the cooler weather. It’ll be nice to wear layers again and of course, I love the holidays! I’ve been working on my 101, as well, so this post is an update on that front.

33. Get to my goal weight

I’ve been continuing on in my weight loss efforts, of course! I’ve continued to meet with my personal trainer twice a week for resistance training. I’ve already started to notice a huge difference in my strength, and I can tell a difference in the shape of my butt and my legs. It’s a great feeling. I also do cardio twice a week (on days different from my training sessions). I was trying to run, but I’ve run into some serious bra issues. I can’t seem to keep the girls under control when I run– even if I wear a structured shirt and two sports bras. Any large-bosomed ladies have any luck with a particular bra? I’m curious about that.

It took me weeks to do, but I’ve finally managed to have one week completely on-plan. I ceased tracking online (I was letting myself off the hook way too easy) and I purchased a cute journal at Target to track in.

Ta-da! It has been REALLY helpful me to track in paper again. I’m pretty forgetful and I’ve found that I often leave it places, but I make sure that I either email myself after I’ve eaten something, or I keep track of what I’ve eaten on my notes app on my iPhone. It’s sort of fun to keep the journal, so it’s been a great tool to keep me on track this week.

After the big gain that put me back at 208, I’ve had some fluctuations and averaged right at 205. But after recommitting to eating better, I’ve gotten back down to 202. I hope to lose that other 4 lbs I’d put on so that I can finally see the scale heading back in the right direction! My goal weight is 155, so I have lost about 43 and I have about 47 pounds to go.

61. Get rid of my acne once and for all

I’ve had acne for as long as I can remember. I’ve tried just about every product on the market at some time or another, from Clearasil to Acutane. Acutane got rid of the majority of my acne when I was younger (it used to be all over my chest, neck and back) and now seems largely confined to my chin and jaw. This week, I purchased ProActiv.

Though I’ve used it once before, it was before I used Acutane. I’m hoping now that since my skin has matured some, this will be the boost I need to get my skin clear once and for all.

47. See MUSE in concert

I’m going to see them on Monday! Sam bought us tickets for my birthday. I’ll have a new post then. 🙂

11 Responses to Finally Feeling Like Fall: 101 in 1,001 Update

  1. Victoria says:

    Yay! You have been so consistent I’m sure that you’ll get there. Cute journal. Watch out on the ProActive stuff. I tried it once. It worked great for about 6 months but then it was like my whole face became immune to the entire line and I broke out terribly! If its really bad, consider Accutane.

    • Emily says:

      Thanks! Yeah, I’ve tried ProActiv before, and from what I’ve heard the trick is to just be really consistent with it. It’s worked wonders for a lot of the girls in my family, so I’m hoping that since we’re related, our skin will be similar! I already took Accutane, and I’ll never do that again. It did great things for my acne, but screwed over the rest of my body.

  2. Beth says:

    You know I tried ProActiv a few months ago and it didn’t work at all for me. I hope it works for you! Just be careful if you ordered it online because they automatically sent me a $100 package a month later and charged me for it and I didn’t realize that was going to happen.

  3. Sarah says:

    Proactiv worked for me when I was 18-19, but my skin wasn’t too bad to start with. It is really harsh though so I stopped using it as soon as all my acne was good.

    I read once that the best thing for acne skin is a consistent routine. Work it into tracking maybe.

    Good luck with everything. I really enjoy reading about your trials and tribulations, you’re very inspiring!

  4. Melissa says:

    Glad to hear working out and tracking are going well!

    I’ve tried ProActiv before and, like other people have said, it seemed to lose any effect after a few months. And it’s a pain in the butt get them to stop auto-sending you stuff.

    I’ve been using AcneFree (from the drugstore) for a while and it works well for me. It’s similar to Proactiv, and alsohas formulations for sensitive skin, severe, and sport. I used the severe for a few months to get things under control and now just use the normal one.

  5. Sarah says:

    I like the idea of a new journal!!! I need some inspiration to start tracking again! Also, let me know how proactive works – I have acne on my jaw and chin too and it drives me nuts!!!

    • Emily says:

      Hey Sarah! I have no acne anywhere else on me… but I have this really bizarre amount on my jaw and around my mouth. I used Proactiv for the first time last night and again this morning, and maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but… I feel like it already looks better! I’m going to keep it up, but I’ll definitely let you know. 🙂

  6. emily niedermeyer says:

    Hi Emily… I follow you just by using your link from Weightwatchers message Board. About the Bra situation…. I had the SAME problem. I am a 34DDD :-/ I used to wear 3-4 sports bras at a time. I found a bra at a running store that I heard about on Oprah. It’s changed my life! Its called “Enell Sports Bra”. It is pricey but you only need ONE, so it really evens out compared to multiple bras at a time. I’ve had mine well over a year and it still works great. Hope this helps!

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