Some things we just can’t do alone.

It’s hard for us to admit sometimes, I suppose, but some things we really just can’t do by ourselves. Sometimes we need a helping hand or encouraging words. Sometimes we really need a bravo sticker and a room full of applause.

A week ago I returned to my regular Tuesday night Weight Watchers meeting. I returned roughly 9 pounds heavier than my lowest weight after months of “Oh, I’ll get back on track tomorrow” or Monday, or just… sometime, eventually. I was seeing the weight creep back on, and I knew it was time to nip it in the bud. It’s hard for me sometimes to think that I can’t do it on my own, but the reality is that I don’t have to. And why should I? I’m not even close to the only person struggling with their weight or getting healthy. I’m not full of the best ideas. I still need help from time to time, and a weekly meeting offers me the reinforcement that I need to continue on this journey.

So after a few months break (again), I’m back on plan. I’ve been OP for 8 days now, and as of yesterday’s weigh in, I’ve lost 2 pounds. I’m happy, confident, and revitalized. I can do this.

With that said, I have an announcement: I’m working on a new blog.

I’ve purchased my own domain name, and I’m working on getting it set up. Once it’s up and running, I will set this domain up to forward over to it so you won’t lose me. 🙂

As I’ve lost the weight, I’ve gained a lot more confidence. I look in the mirror now and I can see the beautiful girl who’s been hiding behind 100 pounds of extra weight and a massive curtain of curly hair. I used to think I was doomed to be a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, because no one would make clothes that would fit both my size and my personality. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

My new blog will not only focus on food and my continued weight loss, but will also be about fashion and feeling good in my skin. I hope you’ll continue to follow me as I stretch my wings. I’ll have more to come soon. 🙂